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Levine Children's Hospital

On Friday, we had a headband distribution at Levine Children's Hospital by our Hope Rep, Lauren Athey.

This was her experience:

"It was simply amazing. I don't know any other way to put it. I went in with so many emotions running through my head, mainly being nervous and mostly excited.

Once I met with my first girl, Sam, I felt very much at ease and the staff at the hospital was so great and delighted to have me.

After visiting in the play room, I was able to go room to room and visit with the girls on the 8th floor, the oncology center. Seeing these beautiful children battling such a horrid terminal disease, brought tears to my eyes.

Once I entered each room however, the girls eyes lit up with excitement. The staff had told them they were having a special visitor and I had a surprise for them, so this made their day.

Jorden, a young girl in one of the rooms, picked out a purple headband and she said to her mother, "mommy I have to change my shirt to match my new beautiful headband. I have to be stylish!" This little girl just made my heart melt. Here she is facing some of the hardest days of her life but I was able to bring a smile upon her face because of a simple headband.

It's amazing how these children hold such high spirits during some of the toughest times of their lives. And now that I am able to say that I helped make a difference yesterday, brings so much more meaning into my own life. And I can't wait to have many more days like yesterday."


Let's continue to spread hope in all girls, one headband at a time :)



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