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Become A Partner Of Hope

Become A Partner Of Hope

headbands of hopeHope…it’s a powerful thing.

Hope can take someone from feeling beaten down to fighting and rising up once again.

Hope can fill someone up to keep going, to keep moving forward and to keep fighting when everything else around them may be saying to give up.

Hope rebuilds, it uplifts and can come in many forms.

Hope can come in words of encouragement, it can come in an embrace, it can come in a smile and can come in a present.

Here at Headbands of Hope, we recently celebrated our anniversary on April 25th.

For us it’s not just another year, no, it’s much more than that.

It marks another year of bringing hope to those who need it the most – children in the fight against cancer.

When you partner with us, you become a part of so much more.

With each headband sold, we donate a headband to a child with cancer. With every purchase you make, you are becoming a partner of Hope for these young children.

Hope for a better tomorrow.Always Hope

Hope to get through this fight.

Hope for whatever they may be going through.

By reading this now, you are already partnering with us.

If you look at the world around us, you’ll see that hope is what many people need.

With all that this life throws at us, with the busy schedules we live through, the appointments and places we constantly have to be at and just trying to get through the day, it’s sometimes lost on us to think about giving hope to someone.

In this “me first” society we can easily forget that someone else may need some encouragement or a kind word.

While you can do your part in the fight against cancer by making a purchase from our line of products here:

What we’d like to do is encourage you to give some hope to someone in your life today, or even perform a random act of kindness and just give someone hope in another form or fashion.

Here’s a list of ideas:

  1. Let someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store, bank or anywhere else you need to wait

  2. Tell someone you care about how much you love them

  3. Give someone who may be struggling through something a few words of encouragement

  4. Smile…yes, smile

  5. Be a hugger

  6. Listen to someone who just needs to talk or vent

  7. Pay for someone’s coffee at your local coffee shop

  8. Let that other person get the parking stall

  9. Open a door for someone

  10. Get a headband here for someone special, sorry you knew we had to!

There are so many people out there who are hurting

You may be one of them.Hope

There are so many others going through struggles, difficulties and challenges that we know nothing about.

You may be going through some things as well.

We all could use a little more hope, and sometimes the best way to get more of it is to give it away to others.

Partner with us and spread some hope today.

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